Learn DOTKey
(in the iOS or Android apps)
... or Play
(in the iOS app)

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I play the Game?
The Game and Practice tool are both part of the Mobile app. Download DOTKey on your phone and they will be a button on the app's home screen.
How do you fit a whole keyboard in 3 fingers?
Each finger can be used to tap, swiped-up, swipe-down, side-to-side, etc. giving us dozens of unique gestures to work with. Combine that with modes, similar to the way shift or control work on a keyboard, and you get as many gestures as you will ever need.
You can view "Cheat Sheets" of the gestures in-app, and online here.
What can I do if the app is broken or missing features?
Please email us at contact@dotkeyboard.com and give us your feedback. DOTKey will still be getting more features in the future, and it would be helpful to know which matters most to you.